

Construction of the bridge began in April 1962, after obtaining the approval of the President. Construction costs were taken from regional funds submitted by Japan. Not just the cost, even this bridge use experts from Japan.

Dedication bridge carried in 1965, as well as confirming the name of Bung Karno as a bridge. At the time, this bridge is the longest bridge in Southeast Asia. After the political upheaval in 1966, when anti-Soekarno movement is very strong, the name of the bridge was changed to Ampera Bridge.

Around 2002, no discourse to restore the name of Bung Karno as this Ampera Bridge. But this proposal did not receive support from the government and some communities.


Shape Design Traditional House Empat Lawang and explanation - Empat Lawang district is a district in South Sumatra. As we all know, South Sumatra is so much culture inherited from its predecessor, and one that is quite interesting cultural heritage cultural tourists is its custom house. The traditional house in the district Empat Lawang is cultural sights that always visited local and foreign tourists.From an architectural standpoint, the traditional house of origin Empat Lawang designed with the concept of houses on stilts (like the concept mostly custom homes in Indonesia) is to avoid attacks by wild animals, to anticipate floods and the shock of the earthquake. The grandparents ancestors of antiquity concept stage house is suitable to be built in Indonesia because it has taken into account the geographical situation, weather and climate and natural conditions at that time, so the custom house can be inhabited and utilized in accordance with the needs of the occupants.


Aesan big is clothing that shows the majesty, while aesan pasangko are clothes that show elegance. In the past, the clothes are only used by the king and the princes of the kingdom. But now more commonly used by a bride and groom in a wedding ceremony in South Sumatra.


Keris in Palembang diakulturasi with the Malay culture eventually be Keris Palembang and Keris Jawa nothing to distinguish that in Luke (curves or straight keris), Warangka different, "The handle Keris Palebang like a bird's head, in addition to the stem like a boat like this boat meaning Palembang it is maritime countries.
Besides first-day Keris Palembang in Palembang Darussalam Sultanate is a symbol of the greatness of the Sultan, the Sultan and his family can be made a self-defense tool.
Keris is lost due to Palembang Palembang Darussalam Sultanate was abolished the Dutch colonial government since 1905 gradually.